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Groundhog Stew

February 02, 2009 | Category: Mother to the First Power

Slow day, as we recover from colds. At one point, I was just hanging out online while Bear was watching a cartoon.

"Hey, the groundhog saw his shadow," I called to him.

"What does that mean again?"

"Six more weeks of winter."

"I say we find that groundhog and make him change his answer!"

"Sweetie, no need to be violent."

"I didn't say violent!"

"Oh, well..."

"But I think you could make him into stew, right?"


"Or barbecue. On the grill."


"Never mind. We just feed the groundhog to Sara. I mean, she killed a squirrel. She can kill a groundhog."

"That IS violent," I chided.

"Not if I get the dog to do it! Then's it's just nature! Didn't you teach me about that guy, Darwin?"


"Geesh, mom. I thought you were supposed to know this stuff!"

"Cabin fever," I grumbled, turning back to my computer.

"Seriously," he agreed, nodding sagely. "And really bad."

"You think?"

"Yup. I mean, you even lost your sense of humor. After we go get the groundhog? We should go to Florida. Have a vacation, mom."

And with that, the 8 year old went back to his cartoon.

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Tagged: groundhog, cabin fever, homeschool, parenting, humor Corporate, Mommy, Life
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Are you sure he's not 18?! :)

Posted by: Sharkey on February 3, 2009 10:43 AM