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Welcome to my bed
January 25, 2009 | Category: Sick & Tired
On this side of the bed, there is:
- Me (pink nightgown, ratty hair)
- Box of Puffs with Aloe
- Jar of Vicks
- iBook G4 on a breakfast tray
- Pink Razr phone (for calling CD and asking for more soup/medicine/water in the vaporizer)
- cup half-full with flat ginger ale
- eleventy-billion pillows
- remote control for television
- thermos of long-since gone-cold tea
Across the floor in front of the bed, is Sara the NursePoodle.
CD? Where is CD, you ask? Oh, he's asleep in the guest bedroom:
"Honey, you snore when you're sick."
"I do?"
"Yep," as he commandeers the nicest three pillows from the pile. "And fart."
"I don't."
"You do. I'm excusing myself from duty. Love ya!"
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