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Easy to Leave
October 12, 2007 | Category: Thy Wedded Life
My husband spent much of his growing up years moving from small apartment to small apartment with his working dad.
Despite all the years since, I suspect CD still harbors this deep need to roost. To be rooted, and never left.
Life has very little to do with what we see when we look into the mirror at ourselves.
The mirror sees a pink-haired woman, with too many curves and slightly creased with age.
But I see more than a reflection. I see a rebel, a mother, a free spirit, a lover. I see the scars from falls I took in small strips across my skin. And in my heart. I see my own eyes, and all the stories they hold.
I can't know what he sees. In me. In himself.
Other than this gnawing sense, that where you live shouldn't be a place easy to leave.
No amount of time could hope to completely erase this from him.
No amount of love, or help, or maturity can wipe clean the truths we cling to as children.
Maybe that's why it's so hard for him to think of selling this house. Why it is so incomprehensible to his heart that this home, that holds so many of the memories of us as a family, would belong to someone else.
And I begin to see it now.
Tomorrow, Bear tests up in karate to a blue belt. On Sunday, we take our annual trip to the pumpkin farm. When will there be time, he asks me, to get to that list of things we need to finish on the house.
And there it is, behind his eyes.
I begin to see it now.
This is home in a way that no place has been to him since he was his own son's age.
This is the place I always come back to, the bed I share with him. This is where we eat dinner. This is where Bear lays out his Magnetix creations for us to admire. These are the boxes with the winter sweaters. And over there is the bin with the Halloween decorations.
And as awareness began to dawn in my foggy head, I reached out to him.
It isn't each other we're leaving, I promise. If we sell this house and move - wherever we go, it will be home just as much as this place has been.
He nodded.
For years, I have been ready to go. To kick off a new adventure.
But it isn't only me that has to go.
And he's finding this house, hard to leave.
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