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I Love You, Woman

July 28, 2007 | Category: Best Of

1) I just changed the layout of this blog and everything is still a little broke

2) I just met the craziest, brightest, most amazing women at the BlogHer convention. If I met you there, and I'm not just saying this because I'm tired and glowing, I Love You, Woman.

3) Sometimes a convention is just a blur of panels and talking heads... this one was not. Because of this convention, I was reminded of myself. I realized why I have been so uncomfortable with blogging since leaving my corporate position. I was enriched and emboldened and humbled.


I was awoken.

There is so much now to do.....

(pictures and drunken tales to follow)

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Tagged: Corporate, Mommy, Life
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Clarity and awakening? How wonderful, Elizabeth! I can't wait to read the tales, drunken and otherwise, and see where you're going from here.

(And oh, how I wish I could've been there this year!)

Posted by: Kimberly on July 29, 2007 12:49 AM