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Goodbye to the Army of the Tan Pants

February 09, 2006 | Category: On The Job

As anyone knows, an army runs on its stomach - so I am loading up the van with my goodbye offering of lunch and driving downtown to the hive - the data center where most of them have officies.

After a last review of my project, there is a planned corporate announcement for employees of our division. An "All-Hands".

Every few years, Mega likes to lay off massive quantities of people or completely rearrange the organizations. To keep lean, you know. It has nothing to do with long-term profit or loss - Mega actually had a very successful quarter.

So most folks are figuring that this is what is about to happen again. I know one guy who has been laid off and rehired 4 times. I know another who has had the same job for 20 years under 10 different acronyms.

So it goes.

Whatever is said, we'll listen to it together. Gathered around a warm speakerphone with drippy pizza in our hands.

This corporation has some of the finest damn engineers and technicians on the planet. They make the whole planet go round, from cubbies and data center floors. They have been some of the best times I've had at Mega - duct tape solutions in the middle of the night from guys who make MacGyver look like a lightweight. It's been an honor to learn from them, to work from them, and so, for them, I will bring nothing but the best:

Sausage AND pepperoni. And diet Coke.

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Tagged: Corporate, Mommy, Life


Please no more work stories. Would love to hear about your new life and all the wonders of little Bear. Or how 'bout those Grammys...love your editorials. <: -)

Posted by: jody on February 9, 2006 09:15 PM

from me too!

Posted by: caltechgirl on February 9, 2006 03:11 PM

Give my regards to the Tan Pants Brigade. I love 'em and I ain't never met 'em.

Posted by: Margi on February 9, 2006 12:59 PM

::raises diet Coke glass::

Here's to the future and the unknown adventure that lies ahead.

Posted by: ieatcrayonz on February 9, 2006 11:09 AM