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Not in my day...
November 29, 2005 | Category: In My Life
Now that I am 40, I get to say things like "back when I was young...."
So, back when I was young, my brother had books full of pictures and shelves full of trophies and ribbons. He played every sport there is. Oh, and he was good at it.
Me? I have the natural athletic grace of a pet rock. But I tried. Yes, I did. I skiied, I swam, I played softball, and field hockey. I sailed. I was a cheerleader for a couple of seasons, too. You don't know this because there are no pictures of most of it. And certainly I was never given a trophy.
Because back when I was young, boys were still graded on their physical accomplishments and girls? Not so much.
So we're at Bear's karate this evening. And as his class was ending, the kids for the next one were trickling in. And in walks a couple of girls, about 8 or 9 years old. One in a faux leopard skin coat and purple clogs and her friend in braids and a bright pink jacket and matching earmuffs. They changed into their uniforms and got in line waiting by the door.
The friend admires the first girl's pedicure.
"Is that sparkly purple?"
"No, it's called 'royal blue glitter'. I got it to match my new karate trophy."
"Oh, I didn't go to the tournament. But I got a purple trophy for coming fist at the spelling bee."
"Sparkly purple?"
"No, regular. But it would be a good color for my toes anyway. And I spell way better than my dad now."
"That's cool. I do math better than spelling. If you get the purple can I try it on my toes?"
"Yeah, sure."
Oh. My. Stars. We have so come a long, long way....