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In a day

May 18, 2005 | Category: Family, It's a Trip

Last night, about 1AM, we awoke to Bear calling to us from across the hall that he was thirsty.

Being the responsive, loving parents that we are, we both pulled pillows over our heads.

Bear's wail grew progressively louder and more insistent.

I nudged CD.

Me: Rock, Paper, Scissors?

CD: Mutter mutter mutter.

Me: What?

CD: Uh, Brick.

I peered tiredly at my hand in the dim. Me: Paper.

CD (groaning): Uummm clearly peas television.

Me: What?

CD: I'm exercising my nuclear option.

(Note: unfortunately for him, the nuclear option was not available. He ended up fetching the drink for Mr. Thirstypants.)


This morning, as CD was chasing Bear around trying to get him out the door for school and I was still lazing in bed (after all, my commute has been sharply decreased from ALL THE WAY DOWN THE HALL to: the other side of my bedroom).

Bear scampered into bed with me with a defiant glare at CD.

Bear: I want to stay here in bed with you. I like you best.

Me: I like you, too, but you have to go to school.

Bear (outraged): But they don't let me bring my favorite pillow!


Driving Bear and Elia to a playgroup this afternoon, we came to a congested intersection where a long funeral procession was streaming against the light. (This sparked a whole conversation about 'What is Dead' that I'm still having the shakes over.)

Then, just as the car snarl had grown completely outrageous, an ambulance tried to crash through on their way to, I dunno - save a life or make the day-old sale at the Sara Lee outlet store.

But, Alas!, the hillbillies in the funeral procession decided that the little orange flags on their windows trumped a lights-blazing ambulance and refused to give right-of-way.

All the cars surrounding this little show-down, having seen too many episodes of 'American Idol', thought they should vote on who should win and began chiming in by leaning on their horns. Into this cacophany, the ambulance decided to press the point by turning up its siren to ULTRA SCREECH setting.

As the blood began to gush from my ears,
I muttered: Oh, for heaven's sake! No amount of loud is gonna cure stupid!

From the back seat, Bear: Mommy! You said 'Stupid'! That's a bad word!

Me: Yes, I'm sorry honey. I lost my patience.

Bear: Well, that's no excuse. You should control your words!

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Tagged: Corporate, Mommy, Life


I love what you wrote! What a great and quick-witted synopsis:

"No amount of loud is going to cure stupid."


Posted by: Eyes for Lies on May 20, 2005 02:23 PM

Well, at least you know he is listening when you are teaching him a lesson.

Posted by: Jazzy on May 19, 2005 03:04 PM

I always hope that when people refuse to give right of way to an emergency vehicle that it's a relative of theirs that needs help. Karma's a bitch...

As for stupid - I had to revise my rule. We don't call people stupid but we can call things stupid (i.e. - stupid car won't start).

Posted by: Alexia on May 19, 2005 10:45 AM

Elizabeth, how are you able to spout such words of wisdom in that situation? I mean, come on, the guy in the hearse isn't getting any deader (as opposed to the probably correct more dead which probably isn't in the dictionary either).

Stupid is a bad word? Uh oh, I just thought that included the F and S words, a few derogatory female words, and perhaps damn. I'm clueless.

RP, I'm loving the car words rule. I'll have to remember that.

Posted by: ieatcrayonz on May 19, 2005 09:20 AM

LOL at all of those. I love the way you tell stories. ;o)


Posted by: Jen_Jake'smom on May 19, 2005 07:49 AM

When My Kid was about 2 1/2 or 3, he overheard me cussing Big Daddy under my breath (if you knew the whole story, you'd cuss, too. Something about muddy boots. In my dryer.): "I can't believe he's so fucking stupid!" To which My Kid reprimanded me, "Hey! Don't.Say.Stupid."

Posted by: kalisah on May 18, 2005 06:43 PM

The Wife and I used to do Paper, Scissors, Rock to determine who's turn it was to change a daiper. Both of our parents still laugh about it.

'Brick' is a new one. I suppose that 'billboard' beats it?

Posted by: ~Easy on May 18, 2005 05:13 PM

You might want to consider invoking the car word option with Bear, as I have done with my children. I get in trouble if I curse outside the car but in the car I can say whatever I want -- it's a location issue. If you search my blog for "car words", you'll get a fuller explanation (no link because I think it's kind of in poor taste to pimp my own blog on someone else's comment board).

Posted by: RP on May 18, 2005 03:10 PM