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He needs us both

March 17, 2005 | Category:

Just to be absolutely clear.

CD informed me weeks ago that going forward, his job will demand travel. Since we live 900 miles from the closest family member, and because I go apeshit when separated from my kid for long periods, and because it was one of the options - I looked into how I could take care of Bear and still do my job.

It was never, ever my intention with any bone in my body to take Bear away from his Daddy. I would never, ever do anything like that. This is an impossible situation all the way around and I am just trying to figure out the least-bad solution.

I stand by this.

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Tagged: Corporate, Mommy, Life


Wow, lady. The last couple of weeks have been tumultuous, to say the least. I'm thinking good thoughts for you all.

I can't really tell what the financial situation is, but I can tell that you really don't love, or even like, your job. Is it totally impossible to consider quitting and looking for a 'lesser' position so that you are close to home and have better hours?

Posted by: Bond Girl on March 17, 2005 03:18 PM

Elizabeth, I just wanted you to know you have one more person out here keeping you in her thoughts and 'spewing good karma' in your direction.

Hang in there.

Posted by: Jennifer on March 17, 2005 02:54 PM