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I'm tired of squishy shoes

October 23, 2004 | Category:

Dear People of California,

In response to the ad we saw in your paper, we respectfully request that you package the sunshine equivilent to one (1) day of warmth. Please send it in an insulated carton to us, C.O.D., express mail, overnight, with a big old bow on top. Send it now. Right now. Please.

In return, every third person who was going to vote for Bush will now vote for Kerry or, if that is impossible due to health or safety concerns, Ed Asner as a write-in candidate.

P.S. The pinky sunset kind of sun is all right if you're low on the other kind.

Thank you.
Yours sincerely, etc etc
The people of the Midwest

Picture by Elizabeth: Santa Monica, 5/2000

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Tagged: Corporate, Mommy, Life


Dear CM,

On behalf of other Californians, I would be happy to share our sunshine with you. In fact, you may have all the sunshine we were supposed to have for the next 2 days. Evidently, we are receiving your rain.

Happy to share sunshine for Kerry votes

Posted by: lex on October 25, 2004 02:01 PM

You should've told me! I would've bottled up some of that Caribbean sun and shipped it to you!

Posted by: Helen on October 24, 2004 09:12 AM

Dear people of the Midwest,

Somehow, your letter to the people of California was delivered to us. While we are all out of warm sunny days, we still have a limited supply of the pinky sunset kind of sun. If you'd like some, let us know, as we're almost out of stock for this year.

Frankly, we haven't had a better offer for pinky sunsets than yours of votes for Kerry rather than Bush. Wish we'd been in touch four years ago.

Once we hear from you, the sun will be in the mail.

The people of the Pacific Northwest

Posted by: Kimberly on October 24, 2004 01:48 AM