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Overheard, Some Bear Stories for a Friday
October 22, 2004 | Category: Mother to the First Power
This morning, while Bear and I were in the car:
Bear (this is a common question): Mommy, what is this song mean?
Me: This is a song named "Amazed" by a man named Paul to his wife, Linda
Bear: Do you like this song?
Me: Yes. It is a good song.
Bear: (a few minutes later) What about this song?
Me: About a boy who is asking his Daddy for help because he's in trouble.
Bear: Lawyers, Guns and Money?
Me: Uh.. yes. He is asking for those things.
Bear: What's a Lawyer?
Me: Someone who can go in front of the judge and help you if you have been arrested.
Bear: OK. And guns?
Me: You know what guns are.
Bear: Well, that's naughty, right? Is he a bad guy?
Me: I think he is just saying he wants help.
Bear: Well, guns aren't help, silly! He just wants his daddy. He should say he's sorry and then his daddy can come. And the lawyers.
This evening, Bear and CD playing & chatting after dinner:
Bear: Daddy, what did you do today?
CD: I helped people with computers.
Bear: Good Job!!
CD: What are you doing?
Bear: Playing pretend. This is my store.
CD: What are you selling?
Bear: Potties. For girls.
CD: Uh. OK.
(wait for it....)
CD: Uh, Bear?
Bear: Yes?
CD: Why?
Bear: Just because!