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No, I'm pretty sure he's Black.

January 20, 2009 | Category: Not The Nightly News

The strangest thing happened last night. I got an email for curriculum materials for Bear, that included this picture:


You tell me, doesn't it look like they made Mr. Obama a little...well...what's the appropriate word here? It doesn't look like him, right? Right? Am I imagining this??

It just seems beyond bizarre.

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Tagged: Racism, Obama, Black, Whitewash, Schoolbook Corporate, Mommy, Life
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I think the main change is a tweak to the lip color (skin color possibly, but Obama's lips are typically darker than his skin by a few significant shades - by pinking it up, it makes him look quite different.) When you zoom in, his nose looks pretty much like his normal nose, though I'm sure there was some wacky photoshopping there, too.

Posted by: Alice on January 20, 2009 03:24 PM

I think a nose job and something to his hairline. Something not good.

Posted by: Elizabeth on January 20, 2009 12:44 PM

Besides tweaking his skin color, did they give him a nose job? Or are my eyes playing tricks on me?

Posted by: Soni on January 20, 2009 12:39 PM