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RSS Help Needed, Will Work for Food

March 30, 2008 | Category: Well, That Was Random

To folks who read the Corporate Mommy via RSS, could you let me know of the feed comes in properly?

I am messing with the CSS (yes, again! Deal!) and danged if I can't remember how to get this right so the feed looks nice in whatever bucket you use...

Thank, thanks, thanks. I got some leftover Peeps and a handful of black jellybeans for bribe money.

And a goofy dog who sleeps on feet. But I'm keeping her.

Oh, and ...thanks. I mentioned that, right?

P.S. I have FINALLY created a feeder page of RSS feeds to follow y'all. Anyone got some recommendations for me of blogs I should be following? I'm giddy with RSS power. GIDDY, I say.

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Tagged: Corporate, Mommy, Life
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I got a partial feed in Bloglines, so if that's what you're going for--success!

You can keep the black jellybeans though. Plenty of those around here. I'd happily take the dog! :)

Posted by: Sharkey on March 31, 2008 12:35 AM