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Jimmy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman

February 27, 2008 | Category: Well, That Was Random

Separately, I rarely have any use for them.

Together? They make me laugh my lips off. (Which I totally needed.)

First Sarah informs Jimmy (via music video) that she's um doing Matt Damon.

Then Jimmy (and Josh Groban and Huey and Cameron and Meatloaf and Pat and Brad and Don and freaking Han Solo) inform Sarah that he's um doing Ben Affleck.

Jimmy explains the origin of the whole gag at the beginning of his video.

Despite the beeps these STILL ain't cool for viewing at work!

Off I go to watch them again....

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Tagged: Corporate, Mommy, Life
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Very funny. Thanks for linking.

Posted by: Liz on March 11, 2008 04:43 AM