« I Meant It To Look This Way. Really. | LightBulb Moment »

I Didn't Mean for it to look like THIS

July 27, 2007 | Category: Best Of

I thought, because hey I am going to go meet a lot of real BLOGGERS in PERSON, that I should fix up the site a little. Put the Dynamic back in... uh..

Yeah, by now you've noticed. I pooched the screw. And how.

So, like, this is how it WILL look in a couple of days when I've read the fu--- uh, freaking handbook (AGAIN) and figured this out.

In the meantime, for God's sake, don't touch anything!

Or, what the hell. Go ahead.

Gets to a point where it's all so wired up and crazy down that you just got to call it day....

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Tagged: Corporate, Mommy, Life
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