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God and the Angels

July 20, 2005 | Category: Mother to the First Power

This has been a very dry summer but today we got some massive thunderhead action and finally, after hours of opressive humidity, we got rain.

I was running with Bear to the van after picking him up from camp, the sky opening up and the wind buffeting us. We held hands as we jogged to the parking lot and he shouted to me that the rain was good. That God and the Angels were watering the flowers.

"And the tomatoes," I said.

"Well," he yelled. "Maybe not the tomatoes. Just the flowers. And the grass."

"But not my tomatoes? Or the basil?"

"No! God and the Angels like chocolate!"

Go figure.

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Tagged: Corporate, Mommy, Life
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What do you mean, "go figure"? Makes perfect sense to me. I think he's on to something there. Bright boy, that Bear.

Posted by: RP on July 21, 2005 10:38 AM

I knew God and I were on the same wavelength!! LOL!

Posted by: Melissa on July 21, 2005 08:11 AM