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And the winner is....

December 14, 2004 | Category:

Look and see! (And howdy was it a landslide! Anyone offering to comfort the poor Wolverine over his loss?)

It's been an exciting couple of weeks in the Blogisphere, and it's not over yet. 2 of my favorite Dads, Jim (Captain GENUINE) and Jay (ZERO BOSS) have teamed up to launch the BEST of the BLOGS (BOB) Awards! They've already had 1,246 emails in response - this thing is going to be BIG.

For a reason that absolutely escapes me, they asked if I would be a panelist and I said sure. So I can't be nominated or nominate anyone in the secret category I am .. uh.. panelling. So. PLEASE - head on over and NOMINATE NOMINATE NOMINATE all your favorite blogs (and your own, too!). Did I mention ... there are PRIZES?

And on a really personal note, thank you. The Celebrity Boyfriend thing has been a LOT of fun during a few weeks when fun was the best medicine. The kindness of the blogisphere is often overlooked by those who see only the scams and spam. But I'm living proof. There are still smarts, warmth and generosity in the world, Virginia. Look no further than the comments of this blog to see it.

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Tagged: Corporate, Mommy, Life
