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The Minor Fall, The Major Lift

December 06, 2004 | Category: Sick & Tired

(On a slutting-my-blog note; WEBLOG AWARDS VOTING IS OPEN! Each IP address is allowed to VOTE HERE for Corporate Mommy once a day. Don't forget - SnoozeButton Jim and EverydayStranger Helen, as well as Munuviana, are nominated too!)

This morning, CD was getting Bear ready for school and woke me up, behind schedule and frazzled. Asking for help.

I didn't move.

In the past, I would have launched out of bed like a bottle rocket and fixed everything.

This morning, I stayed in warmth of the comforter and waited. Finally, CD was able to think things through and ask me, specifically, to get Bear dressed.

"Sure," I said. And I did.

I'd asked this past weekend. I asked what my part had been in this crash of us. I asked, near tears, frustrated, what I had done?

He looked at me and said, gently, "too much."

And I realized, as I held his hand between the front seats of the van, that he was right. We've crept into these roles. I, the uber-competant superhero on crack. He, the layabout husband who doesn't deserve me.

Except. Not.

I don't know how we let this happen, how we slipped down this spiral over the last few years. I just know that we've hit bottom.

From here there is only out or up. And no crystal ball to tell me which it will be. Just faith. Just faith.

Love is not a victory march, it's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah... Leonard Cohen

P.S. Ever wondered what Corporate Mommy Looks like? Check out Philip's site and see....

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Tagged: Corporate, Mommy, Life


This seems important to me. Perhaps a crack in the wall that y'all have steadfastly built around each other. Keep it up. (not the wall, silly, the hard as hell work you've been doing)

And somewhere in the depths of my blog is a link to Allison Crowe doing this song. Haunting doesn't begin to describe it.

Posted by: ben on December 7, 2004 05:05 PM

Congratulations! That sounds like a very important first step to working things out, in whatever form that takes.

Posted by: Kimberly on December 7, 2004 11:06 AM

Good for you for staying in bed.

I've been playing the Jeff Buckley version of the Hallelujah song since I first read this post early this morning. It just haunts me. And it breaks my heart that it's the soundtrack for your life right now. (For the record, while Wainwright sings it on Shrek, it's a Leonard Cohen song.)

Posted by: Elizabeth on December 7, 2004 09:58 AM


Also, I think it's great that you had the self-discipline to lie there, knowing that was the most helpful thing you could have done. Despite all the things you've posted about your marriage, I do think there is something there to have faith in.

Posted by: Bond Girl on December 7, 2004 09:32 AM

Isn't weird how you have a certain picture in your mind? This was totally not it! Nice to have a face to put with the writing.

Posted by: Terri on December 6, 2004 09:38 PM

Sounds like a first step. It is interesting how those roles form, as if by magic sometimes. And then suddenly everyone's mad that they have the roles they do. Why do I always do the laundry, dress the kids and you always take out the trash and grill the burgers? Amazing!

Posted by: Laura on December 6, 2004 09:36 PM

hi Elizabeth...I'm so behind on blogs that I didn't know there were problems in CMland. So very sorry, and as you know, I can empathize. Thinking of you....

Posted by: Anna on December 6, 2004 08:12 PM

Uber-competent super-hero on crack? That's me! Layabout husband? That's MY husband! It's so amazing that you have taken on those roles, because I often feel like no one else exists in that paradigm. In my recent discussions with a friend about this very issue (me-doing-everything, my-husband-taking-a-back-seat), we concluded that despite that sometimes extreme imbalance, it's always necessary to take a step back and realize that despite apparent deficiencies, there are always positives, and the work in a marriage is to consistently and consciously remind yourself of those positives . . . No matter what, it *is* hard work, that's for sure. We're here for support along the way (and know that you're not alone!).

p.s.: You look GREAT!

Posted by: Monica C. on December 6, 2004 06:20 PM