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He's High on Baby Motrin

November 19, 2004 | Category: Mother to the First Power

Sniffly, drooly, cuddled beside me in a nest of pillows and we're watching Clifford on the portable DVD I've brought into my bedroom. He's glazed over, a Motrin lull.

Bear: "I like your breasts."

Me (A little taken aback): "Uh, OK."

Bear: "Is there milk anymore?"

Me: "No, I told you. Not for a long long time."

Bear (as I wiped his nose, for the 7 millionth time): "*sigh* OK, OK, OK.... What about chocolate milk?"

Me (trying not to laugh): "No, honey. Not chocolate milk either.... You know, kiddo, sooner or later we're going to have to get some of that Kid's Claritin stuff in you the way the doctor said."

Bear: "No, thank you. You see that thing?" (Indicates the portable humidifier blowing at him from the bedside table.) "That's doing the trick."

Me: "That's doing the trick, huh?"

Bear: "Yeah."

Me: "Then how come your nose is still running with all those icky snots?"

Bear: "I don't know. How come your breasts don't have chocolate milk?"

So. There.

I tell you, don't go up against a 4-year-old on Motrin. He'll take you down. Yes, he'll take you down hard.

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Tagged: Corporate, Mommy, Life


He's a boy. Boys love boobies. That's just a basic fact! Although, Girl Terror also loves boobies. She has poked my nipple and shouted "BOOBIES" in the grocery store more than once. And she has lifted her own shirt to show a perfect stranger her chest, and yelled "No BOOBIES!!" at him.

Posted by: Tammy on November 21, 2004 03:52 PM

My friends used to ask if I put out chocolate milk because my babies were waaaay addicted to the stuff. By the third child, we were all convinced it was a derivative of crack. (See today's post for example.)

I once asked my four year old if he remembered, and he yes and got all dreamy. When I asked him if he remembered what it tasted like, he said, "Like candy. Like sweet, candy milk."

Although, when I asked my daughter to rank it along with other treats, it ranked above popsicles and candy, but not above fruit roll-ups.

And the skin thing? My six ear old still does that, He likes to lay the flat of his hand on my skin. I catch him doing it all the time--sticking his hand up the back of my shirt or inside my collar to touch my shoulder.

Posted by: Mindy on November 20, 2004 06:12 PM

My 3-yr-old nephew quit trying to get access to my sister's breasts when his younger brother arrived and laid claim to them. However, he still regularly wants "skin" from her or his grandmother (my mom). "Skin" means a bare stomach against which to rest his head. He has been known to lift my mother's blouse in public and rest his head against her stomach. Sadly, I've never been there to see it. You'd have to know my straight-laced southern mother to understand just how amazing it is that she allows this... though she has taken to wearing long, loose tops that she can just pull down over his head.

Posted by: Kimberly on November 20, 2004 01:34 PM

My boy is obsessed with boobies. (He obviously inherited that from his father.) Sometimes he lifts up his own shirt and shouts, "I got boobies!" Happily, he's never done that in public.

Posted by: notdonnareed on November 20, 2004 11:19 AM

How come he likes my breasts? Ben, I have no clue. Weaning regrets, 3 years later? I was wearing one of my husband's big t-shirts so it's not like I was taunting the boy with his former food sources!

Posted by: Elizabeth on November 19, 2004 10:52 PM

How come he's on Motrin? Because he has a cold, a sniffly thing he picked up from school. And BubbleGum flavored children's Motrin is THE ONLY medicine my boy will take willingly. Not even the generic kind, no sirree.

Posted by: Elizabeth on November 19, 2004 10:50 PM

Yeah, how come?

Posted by: ben on November 19, 2004 09:49 PM

This put a smile on my face. How can you argue with a four-year-old's logic? Hope Bear's feeling better!

Posted by: Renee on November 19, 2004 08:43 PM

Chocolate milk. Ha! Gotta love your kiddo...

Posted by: Grace on November 19, 2004 07:55 PM