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June 20, 2004

Intervention needed: "Felicity" was my gateway drug to "Dawson's Creek"

Does anybody else find their guilty pleasures as annoying as I find mine? Dawson's Creek, for Gawd's sake. Dawson's CREEK!!


Joey: It's my mom's bracelet.
Pacey: I know.
Joey: (surprised) How do you know?
Pacey: Well, because you told me. Six months ago. You were wearing that, uh, blue sweater, with the snowflakes that you have. You were walking down the hallways at school, I was annoying you as per usual. You said, "Look, Pacey, I just found my mother's bracelet this morning, so why don't you cut me some slack?"
Joey: You remember that?
Pacey: (whispers in her ear) I remember everything.

It's bad enough that I'm watching the reruns, but now (oh, help me) I've gotten to downloading (wait! I meant buy, buy.. BUYING) music from the episodes. The dealers, *ahem* producers, of the show make it easy by providing a website for all things Dawson's Creek: quotes, pictures and songlists. Oh, it's bad.. bad bad bad...

It's a silly show about a love triangle between 3 teenagers: the noble girl from the wrong side of the tracks (Joey); the virtuous, insanely big foreheaded, pompous, yuppie boy who has been her best mate since childhood (Dawson); and the boy's wisecracking, vulnerable, and sweet sidekick (Pacey, yes, PACEY).

The actor who plays Pacey, Joshua Jackson, does it beautifully. Even though my own adolescence sucked grapes and chewed the seeds, his acting makes me want to visit a time machine and see if I missed a Pacey of my own back then. Probably not - that's why it is a show, after all. Takes 100 people to make it look that natural.

I thought this would be a flash in my TV-watching pan, but it's been 3 months now. And I'm still merrily and glibly dropping into the fluffy pool of precocious teen-agers who talk at a doctorate-level vocabulary and wear the latest from Banana Republic.

I freely admit that my tastes are not always the intellectually stirring "West Wing" or "Poilically Incorrect". From Star Trek through Magnum P.I., 1900 House through Monarch of the Glen, my TV viewing has always been as varied as the other interests in my life. With no shame, I openly admit I've even known periodic sudsy dips into General Hospital - usually over the summer when everything else is in reruns and the men on GH are, for some strange reason, conducting their daily business topless.

And there was, last year, the months of "Felicity". Which I now consider to be my gateway show to Dawson's Creek. Oh, if only there had been an intervention back when it was just Ben and Noel bashing each other for Felicity's affections! What hours of forehead-boy I could have avoided!

But it is too late now. Oh, this thing with Dawson's Creek... it's just embarrassing. Man, I got to find a way to get this monkey off my back.

"Let me get this tried to create some kind of snail menage a trois?"-Joey
"Well,it sounds stupid when you say it a loud".-Pacey

Posted by Elizabeth at 02:46 PM | in | Comments (0)

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