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May 29, 2004

About Corporate Mommy


The first sentence of an "About Me" page is a terrifying prospect. Glad it's over with.

I started blogging when I was 13 years old. Back then we called it a "Diary" and my readers consisted of my snoopy brother and his illiterate Golden retriever.

I'm a Yankee; born and raised in New England to a strange clan. Imagine exceedingly pale people arguing back to NPR as they zip crazily through traffic on their way to the outlet store. Yeah, that's my family. I suggest jumping to the curb.

I've hop-scotched my way through a dozen schools. Studied Theology at Loyola for many years. Played a bit part in a play at community college. Trained in Project Management at the University of California.

But most of what I know in life comes from on-the-planet training. And most of who I am is in my writing.

If you wish to know the mind of a man, listen to his words.

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I fell into an IT career in my late 20's and worked my way up the food chain to Senior Management at a large 3-letter corporation. It was a great gig, but

I'm married, for the second time, to an I

I love this country. I despise war. I love being female, in all the ways possible. I love fried clams and old pop music and clean sheets on the bed. I make a great soup from scratch. I can't draw worth a damn. I watch too much television.

I was highly active in the Episcopal Church until a crisis of religion when I was 28. I'm still faithful, just not so much in the Earthly things.

If you step on people in this life, you're going to come back as a cockroach.

- Willie Davis
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